The new PPLRA Committee stands as the dedicated force for Pan Peninsula, a united community with a vision for empowered living. As your representatives, we pledge to champion the rights and aspirations of leaseholders and residents. Our mission encompasses:

1. Advocacy and Influence: We are unwavering advocate for your concerns, tirelessly working with the Freeholder and Managing Agent to amplify your voice and secure favorable outcomes.

2. Transparent Governance: We commit to an era of openness and accountability, ensuring that every decision affecting our community is made with transparency, democratic principles, and your direct input.

3. Financial Integrity: We vow to meticulously oversee financial matters, rigorously monitoring service charges to guarantee that your hard-earned investments are safeguarded and utilized responsibly.

4. Community Strength: Together, we forge a resilient and vibrant community. we will actively engage with residents, hosting regular forums, surveys, and events to shape a collective vision that reflects the diverse needs of Pan Peninsula.

5. Professional Expertise: We bring forth a team of skilled professionals to guide our endeavors, ensuring that every decision aligns with the best interests of our community and is backed by expert insight.

6. Beyond Boundaries: We look beyond our immediate surroundings, advocating for policies that not only benefit Pan Peninsula but also contribute to the broader community’s well-being.

Meet the Candidates


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